Thursday 15 March 2018

February 2018 review


3/2 NL: (-0.5) TRANMERE - Ebbsfleet  (1.44 @SBO) 4 points  FT 3:0 (+1.76)
3/2 NL: Torquay - BARROW  (2.72 @Pinnacle) 1 point  FT 3:1 (-1)
10/2 NL: (-0.25) WREXHAM - Halifax  (1.40 @Pinnacle) 4 points  FT 1:1 (-2)
10/2 NL: Ebbsfleet - SOLIHULL  (3.03 @Pinnacle) 1 point  FT 1:0 (-1)
17/2 NL: (0) ALDERSHOT - Macclesfield  (1.48 @Pinnacle) 4 points  FT 1:2 (-4)
17/2 NL: Chester - (0) EASTLEIGH  (1.58 @Pinnacle) 4 points  FT 3:1 (-4)
17/2 NL: Boreham Wood - GATESHEAD  (4.88 @Pinnacle) 1 point  FT 2:1 (-1)
24/2 NL: Maidstone - (-0.25) TRANMERE  (1.65 @Pinnacle) 4 points  FT 2:3 (+2.6)

8 picks
23 points staked
-8.64 points loss
-37.6% ROI
-17.3% ROC
(advised bank: 50 points)

A rare horror month with as many as six of the eight bets failing miserably for a -8.64 point loss and featuring the worst losing run (twelve points lost in only eight days) since early 2015, but to be honest, a poor month (or, if you want, a "correction") was probably long overdue (it was only the third losing month since March 2015) - the ROI for the season was absolutely ridiculous (and unattainable in the long run) in early February.

On a brighter note, I've recently won another couple of Secret Betting Club awards as I've been voted both the second best tipster and the second best sports tipster in 2017 by SBC members. Thanks to everyone who voted!

It's now exactly ten years since I've started proofing my bets to Secret Betting Club, but more on that in my next blog post.